In attempt to make sense of a football team that seems hellbent on going 0-12 this season.
USU has the claim to fame of being on ESPN's Bottom (Top) Ten List, making themselves quite comfortable there in recent years. This year they're ranked 2nd on that list, only behind FIU.
Within the local community of Cache Valley Utah the residents are hoping for a Athletic Coup. Yes indeed, it does seem likely that Logan High's football team, (the Grizzlies), will try to overthrow the college team in attempt to bring a win or more importantly dignity back to the small college town.
With the TOTAL LACK OF TALENT...I mean who would want to come play here but some of the local kids. Don't get me wrong, USU is a great has a lot of highly respected organizations & departments, but the football team is NOT one of them.
I actually overheard a elementery school kid talking SMACK during a fieldtrip to the school. When asked what he thought about the football team he said; "My dad brought me to the game this Saturday and after the game I told my dad that my home room class could have put up a better effort than USU did." (The truth could have not been more plainly spoken!)
So in conclusion, we can all take our hats off to the USU football team fotr they will do somethning that maybe one or two other teams will accomplish all year. They will be PERFECT! Perfectly BEATEN! ***Maybe it's the coach's fault!**

12 November 2007
The Extreme Suckage That Is USU's Football Team
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 4:42 PM 0 comments
03 November 2007
Alex Meets Middle Size Gruff!
Alex is in fact holding a staring contest with the Middle Size Billy Goat Gruff! This is the walk through where the barn animals are. There were baby calves and this obnoxious family of Gruff! There's a holding area outside this barn where the goats can congregate and can walk on these long balance beams. You can also feed them.
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 5:08 PM 6 comments
Young's Dairy
So for dinner we decided to go the biggest tourest attraction in Ohio. Young's Dairy! For those of you who don't know about this hot spot, let me explain it to you.Young's Dairy...well is a dairy farm est. 1958. You go there to feed the animals...goats, cows, calves. There are some tractors that the little kids can climb on. Alex loved this part of the evening. It was late so we didn't spend a lot of time looking around. We had dinner there and I ended up getting the 2 hour flu, didn't feel so hot during dinner time.Another big ticket item at Young's Dairy is the ice creme. All the ice creme goes from cow to delicious ice creme within 24 hours. Now that's fresh!We went inside the barn and Alex got to see baby calves and all the billy goats Gruff. He really wasn't afraid of them, he just wanted to feed them the straw that was in their pens.
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 4:58 PM 1 comments