So this is our atempt at telling all of you that have licence to read my Blog how we are doing this time of year.
Some things that are worth reporting about in our progressively disfunctional family is...and this is good...Alex is now potty trained. We desided to psych him up for this in telling him that after he turned three he didn't have to wear diapers anymore, that he would be able to wear "Big Boy" underwear. Well it worked! Alex now loves to call me at work and tell me about the latest episode of "Things I Did In the Potty!" He's a big kid now and is growing so fast. We spoiled him for Christmas this year, he can't wait for Santa to come and bring him LOTS of presents.
Wyatt is growing like an infectious skin rashm (maybe that was a bad comparison). He is now smiling, laughing, and even carries on a small conversation with Mommy now and then. Wyatt even surprised us one night. Wendy had laid a blanky on the floor and put Wyatt down for some Tummy Time, well he got to rockin' and well...he flipped over onto his back. We were dumbfounded! Hasn't done it since, but I'm expecting he'll soon start campaigning for babies rights and will a Nobel Peace Prize.
Wendy loves being home with the boys, she is now into this thing called "Scrapbooking?" She makes cards for different occasions and such. She loves playing with Wyatt and telling Alex to stop touching the food that will end up being dinner that night. You see, Alex loves to help Mommy make things in the kitchen. He'll pull up a chair next to the counter and "try" to help in anyway he can.
As for Papa, (that's ME, Will), I'm doing well. Work is going great, I'll be progressing on my rotation and move to the Construction Flight. I've been in the Operational Contracting Flight over two years now. I'll then move to a Systems job in October '08. For right now I'm scheduled to deploy July '08 to Dec '08. Now that doesn't mean that I'll actually go, it's just the time schedule that I could go. One thing to look forward to is my promotion this May. That's right! It's been two whole years and I'll be pinning on 1st Lieutenant 6 May 08. This means more money in "Wendy's Paycheck."
I can't believe that we've been in Dayton Ohio for almost two years now. We live in a great neighborhood, go to a really nice ward and really can't complain...about too much!
We have been so blessed this year. We want to Wish You A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!

14 December 2007
Happy "Politicaly Correct" Seasons Greetings from the Hill's
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 3:34 PM 3 comments
02 December 2007
JeFa-Fa Dun-Ham .com
So, a while ago I ran into a video on YouTube called Achmed the Dead Terrorist, (see the bottom of my Blog).
Well Wendy and I were surfing through the cable stations...ok, I was the one doing the surfing...but that's besides the point. I saw that there was a standup NEXT on Comedy Central. So I watch and it turns out its the same guy from YouTube...This outa be good!
For the next hour and a half Wendy and I laughed longer, harder, longer than I can ever remember.
So this guy Jeff Dunham is a ventriloquist and he has 5 acts that he does. First, is Walter, 2nd is Achmed the Dead Terrorist, 3rd is Melvin the Superhero, 4th is Peanut, and 5th is Jose the Jalapeno. By FAR one of the best standup acts I've ever seen. I would recomend seeing the whole act. They all play on each other...the jokes are all interlaced with each puppet.
Look it all up on YouTube! Let me know what you think!
P.S. Jose the Jalapeno IS legal!
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 9:50 PM 0 comments