So while I was in Utah, Wendy signed Alex up for soccer. To say that Alex was excited was a vast understatement. He always wanted to wear his new soccer cleats and really wanted to wear his sock/shin guards. Having never played organized anything this was Alex's first attempt at soccer stardom! The team practices and has its games on base on a miniature field with miniature goals...a far smaller field that I grew up on.
So I sat on the bleachers, (which were covered in bird doo), with all the other moms and dads of all the three foot tall running traffic cones and repressed my desire to interfere and tell Alex how to properly kick the see this was the coaches job and she surely didn't need a meddling dad in the way.
Alex was by far the coolest looking kid out there and is going to get better and better as he grows up.
Getting Alex in an action pose, (like sticking his tongue out when he kicked the ball), proved a bit more difficult as I am not a vetted photographer by any means. I was very impressed how Alex handled himself. He listened to Coach Bev and really had a lot of fun. Now hopefully it will not rain tomorrow and he can enjoy another practice.
When 4-5 year olds play soccer it ends up being a mass of players in the middle of the field, (like a mosh pit), and everyone trys to kick the ball. Every so often the ball will pop out and and the mass moves to the ball. The goalies are left to pick their wedgie or be distracted by the bug that just flew by.
This all is sidelined by another mass of individuals called parents yelling for there kid to kick the ball, (preferably an upside down gravity defying bicycle kick), into the goalie less goal, (goalie was distracted by a bug remember?)
I guess the next big this is T-Ball...bring it on! Watch Out A-Rod!
are you sad the yankees beat the red soxs?!?!?!?!
from. alyssa
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