19 August 2009
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 8:41 PM 1 comments
04 August 2009
Watch Out Pele!
So while I was in Utah, Wendy signed Alex up for soccer. To say that Alex was excited was a vast understatement. He always wanted to wear his new soccer cleats and really wanted to wear his sock/shin guards. Having never played organized anything this was Alex's first attempt at soccer stardom! The team practices and has its games on base on a miniature field with miniature goals...a far smaller field that I grew up on.
So I sat on the bleachers, (which were covered in bird doo), with all the other moms and dads of all the three foot tall running traffic cones and repressed my desire to interfere and tell Alex how to properly kick the ball...you see this was the coaches job and she surely didn't need a meddling dad in the way.
Alex was by far the coolest looking kid out there and is going to get better and better as he grows up.
Getting Alex in an action pose, (like sticking his tongue out when he kicked the ball), proved a bit more difficult as I am not a vetted photographer by any means. I was very impressed how Alex handled himself. He listened to Coach Bev and really had a lot of fun. Now hopefully it will not rain tomorrow and he can enjoy another practice.
When 4-5 year olds play soccer it ends up being a mass of players in the middle of the field, (like a mosh pit), and everyone trys to kick the ball. Every so often the ball will pop out and and the mass moves to the ball. The goalies are left to pick their wedgie or be distracted by the bug that just flew by.
This all is sidelined by another mass of individuals called parents yelling for there kid to kick the ball, (preferably an upside down gravity defying bicycle kick), into the goalie less goal, (goalie was distracted by a bug remember?)
I guess the next big this is T-Ball...bring it on! Watch Out A-Rod!
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 4:32 PM 1 comments
02 August 2009
Say What?
Found this artical quite fasinating as I (an Iraq War Veteran), fall into this catagory.
The Department of Homeland Security declared this month that Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans are at risk of becoming domestic terrorists. While no other government in the world has stated it believes that U.S. soldiers are terrorists – the United States government puts them on a domestic terror watch list. The FBI has recently launched an investigative program, along with the Defense Department, called "Vigilant Eagle," to share information about Iraq and Afghanistan war vets who may have a propensity toward domestic terrorism.
The Homeland Security intelligence report, distributed to local and state law enforcement agencies April 7, is light on any evidence to back up its shocking claim, as put by a Washington Post report, that "the return of military veterans facing challenges with reintegrating into their communities 'could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.'" It cites only to their "skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat" to conclude that these soldiers are, somehow, likely to attack the country they risked their lives to defend.
How does the report get from point A to point B? How does being a soldier put one on the path to becoming a domestic terrorist? The answer is clear and simple – it doesn't.
This war has been going on for nearly eight years. Hundreds of thousands of troops have served in uniform since 9/11. Yet the report finds not a single incident of an Iraq or Afghanistan war veteran becoming a domestic terrorist – not one.
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 6:03 PM 0 comments
01 August 2009
Say No To Popsicles!
Have you seen this guy? You know, the one with the little kids Florida Gators shirt saying no to a popsicle because it would ruin his dinner. Let me introduce my little boy Wyatt. Wyatt is known for spontaneous hugging, kisses, and zerbits (which consist of licking your face). Today Wendy put his hair into a mohawk...well it actually turned out to be a tube of hair running down the middle of his noggin. A very independant little guy, he's into saying "NO" and doing his own thing.
Now to focus on why Wyatt is wearing a Florida Gators shirt we need to go to the source. The Hansens in our ward are hard core Gator fans and when I was on my deployment they saw fit to corrupt my little man and give him blasphemous apparel. RED SOX OR BUST! Anyway this is my Bugaboo! XXXOOO!
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 2:37 PM 1 comments