So I decided to spend an hour of pointless time and go back in itme to the days of really cool toys and TV shows. So I brought together some of our most favorite things.
So let me introduce our guests starting from the top...L-R.
1. Fraggle Rock
2. Care Bears
3. Cabbage Patch Kids
4. Atari
5. He-Man and Masters of the Universe
6. Gizmo in Gremelins
8, Ghost Busters
9. Speak Spell
10. The Smurfs
11. Rainbow Bright
12. Pound Puppies
13. TMNT
14. Thundercats
15. Teddy Ruxspin
16. Strawberry Shortcake

23 October 2007
Revisiting the 80's & 90's
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 10:14 PM 0 comments
21 October 2007
Wyatts Blessing Day!
Today we blessed Wyatt at church. My mom gave me my blessing outfit for Alex but he was to small to wear it. So Wendy tried it on Wyatt and it seemed to fit. It's kinda wierd and nostalgic to see my second son in the same outfit that I wore almost 30 years earlier!
Wyatt was very content up on the stand with all of us holding him, all wide eyed and just looking around. Probably thinking "What's going on?"
We tried to buy a blessing outfit here in Ohio, but there was not a store around that had anything remotely close. I though maybe Wendy would go for a Boston outfit...but to avail!
The only thing I got my way was the removal of said HAT. Anyway, I think my young Grasshopper is quite a ladies man!
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Wyatt the Great Possum!
Ok, so I go get myself some yummy ice cream and put it down by a sleeping Wyatt to go do something. I leave the room and come back and it seems like Wyatt was playing posum, he was just waiting for the opurtune time to pounce on the yummy goodness that is peanut butter ice cream. This might accoun for his increase in bodyweight 8lbs 12oz.
Every now and then I'll be holding "His Fattness" and he'll get this wry grin on his little face. Is this just reflex or was it intentionallike he's planning to fill his shorts in the next few moments. Which he did do.
This Sunday we are blessing Wyatt at were not able to come during thanksgiving so we are going to go with it this week. Now he'll be officialy known as Wyatt the Gunslinger! Ok, ok, so Wendy wouldn't go for all that, so it's just Wyatt Freeman Hill (Esquire).
One thing that is unique to Wyatt is that he doesn't really cry...we call him Sir Gruntalot! He just grunts like a champ!
Anyway, I thinks I need more peanut butter ice cream, so that's all I have to say about that.
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 9:32 AM 0 comments
09 October 2007
Yanks For The Memories
There's a sad sort of sighing
From the people in the stands,
Along the folks in New York too.
And up in the Box Seats
The absurd little “Boss”
Is saying to Torre…
Goodbye, Goodbye
(Goodbye, goodbye) Regretfully they tell us
(Goodbye, goodbye) He lost us the ALDS
And now they say “Your Fired!”
(Goodbye, goodbye)
To Torre
So long, farewell
I don’t want to leave the Yankees!
So long, farewell
Adieu, adieu, adieu
To Jeter, A-Rod, and Abreu!
So long, farewell
I'd like to stay
And try to win the Pennant
So long, farewell
It’s the end of an era…
And now say goodbye
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 7:43 PM 3 comments
08 October 2007
My Little Boston Slugger!
Ok, I just want to take a sec and just brag on my baseball team here the BOSTON RED SOX! Not only are they in the ALCS they pulled a repeat of the 2004 ALDS, sweeping the ANAHEIM ANGELS in 3 masterfully pitched games.
So to celebrate I went out and purchased myself a decent RED SOX ball cap. As you can see my son Alex also loves to support pappa's team. Yes, he is very young and impressionable, so we introduced BOSTON early!
Wendy tries to get him to root for the YANKEES, but it's like Barney you don't let it in the house if you can help it!
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 7:08 PM 2 comments
Sullivan's Cave, Indiana
I'm a little late in posting this, but it's worth doing so anyway. There's a guy in our ward that is really into caving, really! So he took a bunch of the ward members, (we all had had to sign safety waivers to go.) The picture to the right is after I crawled out of the depths of Indiana.
The cave is called Sullivans Cave. The entrance to the cave is literaly a hole in the ground at the base of a big tree, (the link below shows a lot of pictures of the cave, better than the ones i took.) We went to a certain part of the cave by which I had to wade through 4 foot deep water to get to. All underground water is at a constant 54 degrees so it wasn't that cold.
The one part of the cave I hope to never frequent again is called the "Popcorn Crawl!" I was literaly crawling inch-by-inch with the cave walls touching me on all sides. Kind of like being born again? Eh?
Over all this is not a cave that God made for tall folks like me, and as you can see from how I look, it's a very, very dirty messy cave. Good gloves, elbow and knee pads very much required.
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 4:15 PM 0 comments
06 October 2007
Chapter 1
I woke to the sharp blaring of my alarm clock, I reach over and switched it early. Getting up I went over to the window and drew back the drapes. It was drizzling, again, bleak times call for bleak weather I thought to myself. I quickly showered and shaved and started to dress for the day.
I was suddenly aware of a presence in the room, I looked over and saw that my sitting chair was occupied my a man. I could tell that he was large in, that was an understatment, he was grotestly overweight. He was dressed in a dark suit, trenchcoat and a small hat that was pulled down as to barely cover his brow. I knew who he was, someone I hadn't seen for some time.
During the Cold War Boris Boleslava had employment in the Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti. He had excelled in the agency and won the hearts and minds of many of the governments top political parties. It was rumored that many of his methods of police work were less than ethical, almost mafia like, but no one was about to question that.
By the time the Cold War had ended in early 1990 Boris was forced underground, His actions within the agency had earned him the privilege of being a wanted man. It was post WWII all over again. He still believed in the Communist Party, and such idealisms were only talked about in the dark corners of the old government. It was a different time now. The Soviet Union was broken and new states had sprung up in hopes of a new and better life.
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 12:19 PM 2 comments