So this is Wendy posting for Will. The government puts all kinds of restrictions on what it will allow it's employees to view on-line. The latest ban is they are not allowed access to any google accounts (i.e. Will and I can't I.M. anymore) or any blogspot accounts (i.e. update his blog or view mine, with the boys on it.) So, Will probably won't have any updates until he gets back, which is mid-June sometime. If there is something that he wants me to share, I will let you know. Be sure to e-mail him though. He loves to hear from friends and family.

27 February 2009
23 February 2009
Barbers of Iraq!
For the last little while I've been thinking of how I could help the people of Iraq beyond my current job description. I've heard of individuals having family members gather donated toys, clothes, or blankets and sending them over to the children of Iraq and Afghanistan to improve their quality of life. I wanted to follow this in my own way.
So after almost three months of being here I've think I've come up with a way to help a few local Iraqi guys, five to be exact. In the building where I work there are three Iraqi Barbers, in another part of Baghdad there's two other barbers that are really popular to the military. They are very good at cutting hair and I've frequented them everytime I needed my hair cut. Well I've noticed that their equipment, (scissors, trimmers, brushes, etc.) were very much used and dull. So I thought to myself..."self, I might be able to help here" I've hatched a plan to ask some friends back home in Ohio and Utah and have them contact local businesses that sell haircutting/barber equiptment and see if they would be willing to donate certain items: Scissors, Clippers w/ attachments, Shave Brushes, Barber Capes, Combs, and Straight Edge Razors w/ blades. Five sets in all of the items listed.
I truely believe that this is for a good cause. Well see how this will turn out...very well I hope. So if you think you can help...please let me know and we'll help out some local businesses here in Iraq.
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 10:22 AM 0 comments
21 February 2009
My Boys...My Son's...My Little Heathens!
These are my boys. Alex is 4 1/2 and Wyatt is 1 1/2. Both are curious little cretins that never cease to amaze me and continually make me one proud papa!
I'm missing them so much lately and it's nice that I get to talk with them on the phone 3-4 times a week.
Iraq is not a toy friendly place for kids, so when I tried to find gifts for the boys it's quite the treasure hunt. The picture shows my findings...(a Nerf football and a AF bear that plays the AF song).
I love my two little guys, their so smart and each one has his own way of showing his love. Wyatt will spontaneously hug people or steal your blankie because he wants it. Alex will crawl up on you make himself comfy and bade you to read from 1-34 storybooks than he has selected for you to read.
Both Alex and Wyatt have drawn pictures for me and sent them in the mail so I can see them...I have them taped above my desk for all to see. According to Alex I have 12 fingers and...well, his depiction of me can only be discribed as a really skinny tree that is smiling. Cute none the less.
Their great kids...Alex is getting so tall, he'll definately be taller than me. Wyatt is going to be our bruiser...he'll be pounding on Alex in the near future. I can't wait till Alex pegs Wyatt for something Alex did...LET THE SIBLING RIVALRY BEGIN! HUA!
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 4:19 AM 1 comments
17 February 2009
Six Months Of Cursing Speed Bumps #@$%*
We think of speed bumps as an inconvienence back in the states. Well...I will NEVER EVER complain about them again now that I've been to Baghdad Iraq. There are several three types of speed bumps here.
Type 1: These are your garden variety and the smallest of the speed bumps here. They ususally consist of a 3inch diameter metal pole halfway buried in the pavement.
Type 2: These are your medium speed bumps, (SEE PIC TO RIGHT). They're left over bradley tracks lain across the road.
Type 3: This is your kidney re-locater kind of speed bumps. If you hit 'em, hit 'em going 30mph or 1mph anything inbetween is tail bone bruising material.
I truely wonder how the SUV's last as long as they do due to the harsh conditions and the driving we put them through. So I vow here and now...never to complain about state-side speed bumps every again.
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 3:12 AM 1 comments
16 February 2009
Land of the Nasty Dust!
Hi Mom! I'm in Baghdad! This photo op is a must when visiting the Land of the Nasty Dust! These are the "Crossed Swords", "Hands of Victory", or "Swords of Qādisīyah." All in all they are monstrous swords at both the entrances to Saddam's old parade grounds. (SEE LINK ABOVE)
I'm surviving well enough...missing the family to no end. Wendy sends pics of the boys and they love talking to me on the phone. I've survived the "Iraqi Crud" which is a vicious version of the cold/'s compounded by the quality of air and the finite dust that is all but escapable here. It usually lasts 1-3 weeks. I got off lucky with only 1 week.
But life is is as plentiful as the dust. You could definately gain a deployment 20lbs. I've lost a couple inches off my waist and replaced fat with muscle. I go to the gym for two hours every day. I do my lifting and then hit the bicycle for 20-30 mins. You could say I'm looking quite Hulkish...Ok, maybe that was not the best analagy, but I'm in the best physical shape ever.
I'll post more soon about my experiences here.
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 3:09 AM 2 comments
15 February 2009
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 3:14 AM 0 comments
A Chapter Worth Reading...Maybe!
So my last blog update was June 2008. I get it now...keep it updated for those of you who support my totaly awesome blog.
I've spent the last little while deployed to Baghdad Iraq and with a little more time left. My family is doing well and seems to be enjoying the money that comes with a deployment. Can you say DEBT FREE? I can...DEBT FREE!
My boys are missing their Papa. Alex gets sad a lot and goes and hugs his pillow that I gave him with both our pictures on it. He also got a new Nerf Football that I sent him in a package...(Alex loves packages!). Wyatt got a stuffed AF Bear that plays the AF song. He loved that! Wendy sent me little voice recorders that you can put in a Build-A-Bear, so that should be fun!
I hope to post a few pictures of me that are appropriate to put on here.
Posted by Will "The Thrill" Hill at 2:29 AM 2 comments